Clip DescriptionCUSTOM
Thank you for sending the completed film. It’s superb and exceeded my expectations. Mira gives a wonderful performance - so committed and convincing - the best I’ve seen. Maxim also gives good support. And your directors and editor also did an excellent job. Thank you.
Customer’s Review
Sasha (Mira Green) is an executive secretary, smartly dressed, hair tied fully up, wearing thick framed glasses. She is walking home from her office, down the street, wearing a fur coat. (Include a shot of her walking towards the camera.)
She reaches her apartment and as she puts her key in the lock she thinks she hears a noise. She looks round but there is no-one there. She enters her apartment and takes off her coat and shoes. She pours herself a drink, sits on the sofa and makes a phone call to her friend. She says that she had a strange day at work - she enjoyed telling the creepy guy at work that he was getting fired but he was angry and told her she’d regret it one day. When she finishes the call, she moves to the bathroom and begins to slowly undress in front of the mirror. We see the reflection of her looking at herself as she does so.
When naked she removes her glasses and steps into the shower. Her hair is still up. While showering, she thinks she hears a noise. She looks worried and turns off the water to listen but can hear nothing. She shrugs; she must be imagining things.
Sasha gets out of the shower and dries herself. Again looking at herself in the mirror, let’s down her hair and combs it, puts on a silk bathrobe and her glasses. She goes back to sit on the sofa and starts to read a magazine. There is a sudden noise and she looks up in alarm. Suddenly, a figure appears behind the sofa, wearing a Halloween mask and holding a nylon stocking. As Sasha goes to turn around, he wraps the stocking round her throat. Her eyes bulge in surprise. She claws at her neck and at her attacker, and her body bucks desperately as she tries to free herself. Her face contorts in a mix of agony, shock and terror. Her robe falls open. She goes cross-eyed at times and sometimes her tongue protrudes wildly as she searches for air. At one point she manages to move her body to a standing position on the sofa. Her robe has fallen away completely and her glasses fall off in the violent struggle. At other points her attacker forces her onto her front and her back, before she is forced back into a sitting position. There is an overhead camera shot from the killer POV as her head is tilted up and back, looking at him in terror (close-ups here). Then she is facing front again, her face increasingly contorted, cross-eyed, tongue protruding.
After a long and violent struggle, she gradually begins to weaken. Her attacker moves to the front of the sofa to face her. He reaches for her glasses and replaces them on her face; then removes his mask. There is an expression of disbelief on her face as she recognises that it is her work colleague. We now see a brief flashback to Sasha in the office - from killer POV - gleefully telling him that he’s fired. Then we cut back to his POV as he viciously tightens the stocking further. Her eyes bulge wide in shock, hands reach up to her throat, her tongue protrudes fully. Her arms then flail by her side and her body convulses as she nears her end. There is one final look of panic and surprise her face as she realises that there is no more air, that this is her last moment. She dies with her face frozen in an expression of surprise, slightly cross-eyed, mouth open, tongue protruding. The stocking is still hanging loosely round her neck.
As the killer surveys her body there are jump cuts between brief shots of Sasha walking down the street, on the phone to her friend, looking in the mirror as she undresses and removes her bra, and then back to her dead face. He leaves and we see various shots of her dead body and face, frozen in surprise and terror.
Clothes - high class executive (no very short skirts). Underwear sexy but not tarty. Thick framed glasses are important (please use those from custom Persecution Mania if possible). Make-up also high class (no bright red lipstick or excessive eye shadow)
Take time with the build-up - walking down street, shots in apartment etc
Mira should really struggle hard during attack - lots of face contortions and work with eyes
Final death expression of shock very important and should be maintained through rest of film. Photos attached for reference - death stare and expressions that should feature during death struggle.
Clip Duration: 23 minutes |
Format | Size | mp4 | 1286.33 MB |
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